Minimal Deposit:
Type of Trading:
- Trend Strategy
Trading Pairs:
- 1:50 or Higher
Friendly EA Broker:
- XM Broker
FXHelix EA – Minimum Effort for Maximum Results!
FXHelix EA developers claim it to be a reliable and high profitable automated trading system that trades in such a way that most of the deals are closed in profit. Let’s put it through a review and see what is the work of this EA in reality.
FXHelix Live Statistics with the Real Money Results
Here are the results of trading on our account with real money! As you can see, the profitability of FXHELIX is constant and does not have unprofitable trading weeks or months. All our trading results are verified by the independent company Myfxbook.
FXHelix – REAL
FXHelix EA Backtest Statistics
In order to fully understand how promising an invented and programmed trading system is, it’s necessary to check it on a backtest first. Having done all the necessary tests on historical quotes (backtest), we were encouraged by the good results. You can look at the detailed results of our tests below, by clicking on the presented graphs.
Backtest 100% Risk
Backtest 35% Risk
Profitability & Drawdown

Type of Trading