A List of Straight Through Processing, STP Forex Brokers Trading Accounts.
Straight Through Processing or STP Forex Brokers are sending the traders’ orders without a dealing desk intervention, directly to the liquidity providers the company cooperating with. Typically, the broker has many liquidity providers that are either banks or larger brokers with its own bid and ask price. Still, there are some brokers that are offering only one liquidity provider that brings a deeper liquidity pool. The STP executions also mean there is no re-quote or delays in filling orders, as their route sorts the quotes among the offering and executes at the best available price with the added-on small, fixed markup usually 1 pip to the quote. Yet, most often, the STP type brings variable spreads as per the changing bid/ ask prices. One of the advantages of this execution is that the broker never makes profits on client’s loses, as the company gains the same advance and more interested in the trader’s trading sizes.